Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Life update

Well Its time for a life update. It's been over a year since I have posted and so many things have happened. Let's start with April 2012, I had to finally quit working because of my health issues. Danny had already moved back to Missouri for work since the work in Arizona was getting thin. School let out in May and June 1st we were packed and heading to Missouri. It was a very sad time because I had to leave so many great friends and my beautiful daughter Megan.  She wanted to stay to finish college which as much as I hated to leave her, it was the right decision for her. We got moved back to Missouri and it was so great to be back home. It took me a while to actually get used to it, Arizona had become home for us and even though we came back here, Arizona will always be our second home. The friends that we made there are the real thing and I will never forget any of them. It took me awhile to get my self settled because the trip was quite stressful for me. I got down for a few weeks which made me feel worse because when I plan on moving I have my new home set up in my head beforehand and then I can get my unpacking done in less then 2 weeks. Not this time, it's over a year later, and it still isn't completely unpacked. Alot has to to with the fact that our home here is half the size of our home in Arizona. I love that I am back though with family and old friends. My health is improving slowly. I have not been working since I got here and as much as I miss working, I have really needed it. I wish that I could go back to work but my body just isn't strong enough to be able to do the things I once loved. Family outings and trips are fewer now then in the past years. My husband Danny has been great though. He takes such good are of us all. He is a great provider and a suportive husband while I have been going through all of my health issues. I truely hope to someday repay him. A few good things have come from me not working, first I get to stay home with my grandson. He is with me during the day while his momma works and we have become so close. I missed most of the first 2 1/2 years of his life but we have made up for it. Second the time off has not only helped me to feel some better but it has givin me the time to work on my book. I have always loved writing but it never seemed to be something that I had time to do raising three kids and working full time and dealing with health issues on and off for years. I have finally finished my first book. I am now in the process of getting it's copywrite done and then getting it published. I plan to post the Jacket Book Descripton on my blogg and I would love feedback from everyone letting me know if it sounds like a book you would like to read. I love feedback whather it's good or bad. No one is perfect and no one will like everything that a person does. Plus I may not always like constrictive critisisim but I will always take it to heart and listen and use suggestions from anyone. We have an upcoming family camping trip in June and I plan to relax and think and have a great time. Maybe I will even get ideas for my next book. Well I hope that everyone is doing well and your families are well too. All my love, Sheila

 Jacket Book Description


Annalisa never thought that she would be a widow at such a young age or that she could ever love again, until she met Drew, who had tragically lost his wife and child. The way that they meet is crazy but not as crazy as who brings them together. Someone from both of their pasts seems to think that they belong together. They instantly have a heart pounding connection but Annalisa feels guilty for having feelings for another man. These two really can find love again after their horrifying losses, but not without a life threating accident and a terrifying kidnapping. Will Drew have his heart ripped out again, can he survive another love lost or will their charismatic love have a long happy ending and will these people from their pasts regret seeing the ones they love, become hopelessly in love with someone else?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life Update

Well it has been awhile since I have posted anything.  There have been so many things going on in our lives over the past couple of years.  Some not so good, some good and some great. First and formost we are alive and well.  We have been living in Phoenix for the past 4 years and it has been wonderful.  We have made many awesome friends and we thought that we were going to be living out our lives here but our paths have changed.  As you all know most of our family is still in Missouri and our grandson is getting so big.  We moved to Arizona in the first place for my health but about two years ago I started getting really sick.  I had my gaulbladder removed in September of 2009 which we thought might have been the problems I was having.  Within a couple of months I started feeling ill again. This kept up for so long with no clue of what was wrong but then just before Christmas last year they found out that I actually have Lupus. I am being treated but it didnt seem to change much until I quit working.  I have been trying to relax and get better and I feel that it is working.  I think that when we move back to Mo. and I am back with all friends and family I will be better able to deal with my illness.  Things change, and so do people.  We all meet people throughout our lives that help us, change us and love us.  I do feel that all things happen for a reason, some good some bad.  I think that these people were brought into our lives to renrich us and bring special things to our lives to help us be better people. Please know that I love them all and I will always carry a special place in my heart for them all. Thank you everyone for loving me and my family.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We lost a special young lady

We had a terrible loss on Halloween this year. Our duaghters best friend that lived with us for a very long time was our daughter as well. She was killed on Highway 65 on October 31st of this year. It was terrible weather and she lost control and went into the south bound lane, hit and SUV and came back to the North bound lane. She was not wearing her seat belt and when she hit the first truck it threw her into the passanger seat. When she came back across and the other truck hit her it hit her in the passanger side and killed her. She was such a beautiful girl and a special part of our family. We could not be there for her funeral but Sondra was there and it was nice. I have had many of Candy's friends writing me and calling me to show their remorse. We will all miss her very much. I have added a few pictures of her and Sondra. I know that seat belts are a pain sometimes but if she would have been wearing hers Sondra might still have her sister now. You never know when you will lose someone you love so much. Kiss them and hugg them and tell them you love them every chance you get. :-) Take care everyone we will you all.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I will try to add more pictures later of the move and the area we are living soon. Trying to get all unpacked but miss everyone and hope you all can visit some time and see how pretty it is here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well our family has been going thru major changes. We have sold our home and we are moving to Arizona. See all of you know that I battled Breast Cancer about 3 years ago. Well last winter I started getting sick alot and thought that I had phnemonia. When we went to the Dr. they found that I had COPD with cronic broncitis. I was on antibiotics for 3 months. Then over the summer I got sick again and they determined that the hummidity was filling my lungs with fluid. There are meds that you can take to help that are very exspensive, or they suggested moving to a dryer climate. They are not sure what has caused these problems since I do not smoke and never have but it could be from chemo, no proof of that though. We are all really looking forward to the move. The nice weather but in the dead of summer it is very very hot over all though I think that I will be so much better off. We are leaving the end of March. I will post phots as soon as we get some of the area and the trip down there. We are going to miss everyone so much, that is the worst thing about leaving but we really hope that we will get visitors that feel like vacationing in Az. We love you all so much and will miss you very very much.


Welcome to our blogg. Enjoy the photos and the updates and if you have our number, give us a call or come visit.


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