Saturday, November 8, 2008

We lost a special young lady

We had a terrible loss on Halloween this year. Our duaghters best friend that lived with us for a very long time was our daughter as well. She was killed on Highway 65 on October 31st of this year. It was terrible weather and she lost control and went into the south bound lane, hit and SUV and came back to the North bound lane. She was not wearing her seat belt and when she hit the first truck it threw her into the passanger seat. When she came back across and the other truck hit her it hit her in the passanger side and killed her. She was such a beautiful girl and a special part of our family. We could not be there for her funeral but Sondra was there and it was nice. I have had many of Candy's friends writing me and calling me to show their remorse. We will all miss her very much. I have added a few pictures of her and Sondra. I know that seat belts are a pain sometimes but if she would have been wearing hers Sondra might still have her sister now. You never know when you will lose someone you love so much. Kiss them and hugg them and tell them you love them every chance you get. :-) Take care everyone we will you all.

1 comment:

Robin said...


So sorry to hear about this young lady. She was a beautiful girl. It makes my heart hurt for her family and friends. I know you, and I can only imagine how much your family loved her. Such a tragic loss :(


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